Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Spring is in the air......

Okay, maybe not in the air but definitely in my mind.  Thee groundhog said we are going to have an early Spring and I am going with it!!  I'm getting so excited to get some new layers this year.  I have 2 very sweet hens left from the 5 we got 3 years ago and their egg production has long since faded.

I am actually hoping to get 25-30 laying hens this year and have LOTS AND LOTS of eggs to eat and share.  We are also looking into getting about 75 broilers and raising our own chicken for the year.  I know that will be more than enough to supply our chicken needs for the year.  I'm also looking into a couple new bread recipes, the one I make now is great for bread and butter but not so good for sandwiches so I'd like to find one that will slice well and be nice and soft crusted for sandwich purposes.  So I will be trying a new recipe this week to see how it comes out.  I will share my findings.  We have decided to go to a cash budget so I am trying to come up with ways to cut back on our grocery bill.  One is making my own bread but I have decided to get really brave this week and even try making my own yogurt.  Cottage cheese will be next on the list.  I can't wait to try and see what I can come up with!!

Trying to decide whether to get one breed of layers, more of the hybrids that we have now, Golden Comets, or a variety so I can have a rainbow flock.  

These are my two favorites, Silver Laced Wyandottes and Gold Laced Wyandottes.  I think they are just so pretty.

I'm really hoping to get some ordered in the next couple weeks so it's still cool when it's time to move them outside.  Better get building a new coop as well!!  

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