Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chicken Noodle Soup and dreaming......

Random factoid: tonight we had semi homemade chicken noodle soup.  Boiled shredded chicken put into a soup mix called Chicken Noodle Knockout and it was delicious!!  Got the mix at WalMart, you should check it out :)

So one of my goals I have set for myself this year is to establish a more defined vision for my Etsy shop.  I need to make some decisions about what direction I want to go.  I love to crochet so many different things that I have had a problem with finding a real niche.  I'm deciding between hats/scarves/accessories, Amigurumi, or freeform art.  I love to create all 3 types of crochet but I really am feeling like to be successful I need to choose one thing and throw myself into with everything I have.

I love creating Amigurumi from scratch, no real pattern, just create as I go.  Sometimes I know what it's going to be ahead of time, sometimes it creates itself as I go.  This little cupcake I am making is going to have weighted feet and body and be in the colors of the bakery my sister just started working at.  They have a "classic" cupcake and that's what he is being modeled after.

Heading over to sort clothes for Open Arms, check out our facebook page.  I will have to do a whole post dedicated to telling you about that soon.   Until then..............

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