Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Over the weekend I........

So I have been playing around with some design stuff lately.  I'll share a couple of what I've been doing.  I would love to learn how to use some of the high end design programs like Adobe Illustrator but have never taken the time to do it.  I love playing around with the available online editors and even did some advertising work for a friend when I was just out of high school just using what I could get my hands on and it turned out well.  

I love typography, and used to play with handwriting all different types of letters from a scrapbook lettering book I had gotten from he library doing friends names and pet names and sayings.  I also did calligraphy for quite a while while I was in junior high and high school.  There's just something about words.  How you can express in writing things that you can't say out loud.  Why is that?  Why is it easier to write our feelings then to say them?  Like by them coming from our hand rather than our mouth it makes them less exposed.  I don't know, maybe I'm just spouting gibberish now.

At church we are doing a 21 day fast and we were supposed to start yesterday but I have no idea what to fast.  I've been thinking and thinking and just can't come up with anything.  I started dieting eating healthier a little over a week ago so I've already cut out a lot of things that I would typically think of to fast, like chocolate or sweets.  Pastor Wayne suggested coffee but nobody wants me to fast coffee.  It would not be beneficial to my family.  They may not make it through the fast alive.  

I know that is the real point of a time of fasting and prayer.  To remove distractions from your life and really listen for God and focus on Him.  We have been spending a lot less time in front of the TV and trying to keep the house a little quieter and less chaotic in general.  I think that helps.  I do need to do better about a specific prayer time.  Speaking of which if you haven't checked out Amanda @A Royal Daughters Prayer Dare post you NEED to do that.  I am so excited to be a part of a group of women that are going to to purposefully working on a better prayer life for a WHOLE YEAR!!  How exciting and what a wonderful community.  I can't wait to get to know more of these women better.  Since I'm thinking about it I guess I'd better go spend some time in The Word.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie.. I found you through TIN. I'm a crochetaholic, too! Yes, I just made that word up. :) Fiber artist, whatever you wanna call us! Good to meet a fellow yarny hooker!

    I'm trying to make healthy changes in my family's diet little by little, too... but I dunno about the coffee thing. Who says it's unhealthy, anyhow?!?! Antioxidants are great!
