Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year - I'm determined to be happy......

My little girls and me waiting to bring in the new year.

2013 is here.  WOW.  New Year's always makes me reflect.  I take that back, I've been doing a lot of reflecting over the last month.  A month ago I turned 30, YIKES, right??  Anyways, I've been thinking back  back over how much my life has changed from where I expected it to go when I finished high school.  I was a horse crazy 18 year old who planned to spend the rest of her life training and showing horses and a husband and kids were NOWHERE on my radar.  

He was the love of my life.

And he led to me to where I am today.  Well okay, I guess I can give God a little of the credit since He was obviously the one setting everything into place but Gator was a big piece of the puzzle.  Where am I today?  I really don't know, right now I am a stay at home mom(13 year old step-daughter, 6 year old daughter, 5 year old daughter), a wife, a crochet, a bunny enthusiast(just wait until I show you some pictures of some of my Netherland Dwaf bunnies).......

I couldn't make you wait long, they are just too cute not to share, okay where was I?  Oh right, I am trying to start up a crochet business and trying to figure out what God wants me to be doing.  Two years ago God told me "something BIG is coming" and I keep grabbing at everything that I can see coming that even resembles something great only to be let down time after time when so many things don't develop into anything.  I'm trying not to get frustrated, I'm trying to be patient, I'm trying to have faith.  I know there is a plan, I would just like to get to take a peek at what the plan is.  More to come.

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