In an effort to let you all get to know me a little bit I am going to come up with as many random facts about myself as I can, hopefully 100.
1. I am 30, YIKES, I feel like that means I'm officially a grown-up although I still get carded any and every time I try to buy alchohol.
2. Hello, my name is Katie and I am a yarn addict. I actually think I like yarn more than I like to crochet, which is pretty scary because not many days have gone by in the last two years that I haven't picked up a hook. I'm a professional hooker.
Grey's Anatomy. I mean in an unhealthy way. I talk about them like they are my friends. I even have been heard to verbalize those words "they are my friends." I get depressed when I do not have a new Grey's to look forward to.
4. Purple is my favorite color.
5. This should be number 1, oops, I am a C, I am a CH, I am a CHRISTIAN. Proud daughter of the King and LOVE my church family.
6. I really like Italian food.
7. Horses are my favorite animal, specifically Straight Egyptian Arabians.
8. Before I got marries I worked as a groom for 3 years at a National Level Arabian Horse farm for a
great trainer and got to work with some of the most beautiful horses in the world like
Pyro Thyme SA.
9. I am waiting for my "something big". 2 years ago God asked to me to give up a huge part of my life because "something big is coming" I'm still waiting and believing that it is.
10. When I was a kid I won the YMCA NY State Gymnastics Championship. It was pretty cool
11. I am a little ADD and a little OCD. It can be kinda confusing, it means I get really crazy obsessive about something and two hours later I'm really crazy obsessive about something else.
12. Taco Bell is a little bit of heaven.
13. I always plan too big.
15. I am the oldest of 5 kids. I have a brother and three sisters, they are my best friends.
16. I am a mom of 3 girls and a Fred. Fred is our dog, he adopted us 4 years ago, and my girls guardian angel. I'm convinced God sent him because my girls are fearless and they needed a constant shadow to tell them when they should be a little afraid.